Project Case Study

by Yunjiao Pang


The Idea

Football can unite people like nothing else. However, the beautiful game isn’t free from imperfections and racism continues to happen on and off the pitch.

As a Chinese women who regularly attends football games in England, I have experienced racism at football but I’ve never challenged it.

I believe there are a lot of people who share this experience and who choose not to respond. This inspired me to explore this topic and create this campaign.


The Script

5 rewrites
to get the final story

It was not easy to get the script together. I wanted to include my own story and a case study, which leaded to a lot of researches.

Luckily I had Holly Robinson, a fantastic content writer helping me through the writing process.


The Animation

I am a illustrator and graphic designer, but I have never did any animation before. This was a big challenge for me.

For the animation, I decided to go with a handsketched anima- tion style, which means I drew individual frames in Adobe Photoshop and then stitched them to- gether and animated the motion in Adobe Premiere Pro.

It was challenging but at the same time, it was enjoyable!


Sound Recording and Editing

Andrew Clements helped out with recording the voice-over and it was my firt time in the radio studio. I decided to have myself to do the voice-over as the main character in the story is

The sound editing team includes Prashanthi Vijayakumar and Yasmine Kirkman


The Website

I’ve designed and coded the website myself.

The colour is bold and high contrast, which attracts the audience’s attention and the one-page design is easy to navigate and it is clear where things are and where to click.

The coding has been done with HTML, CSS and JQuery. It has been coded to be adaptive to different screen dimensions.